Increasing Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Awareness is an important cause that helps millions of people turn their attention towards important mental health matters in society. Spreading awareness is the first step to inspiring real change and solutions that will change the lives of those living with mental illness. You can spread awareness in a variety of ways, but here are a few suggestions!

Fight the Stigma

Talking about mental health can be hard, especially if you're unsure what to do to help yourself or others around you. There is a stigma around mental health that causes many to avoid those specific topics. Fighting the stigma and opening normal and natural conversations about mental health topics is crucial in spreading mental health awareness! Start the conversation, and fight the stigma.

Provide Support

Providing support to others living with mental health struggles can be more simple than you may think! Many individuals are cautious to help because they don't know how to fix the problem. No one should feel like they need to figure out how to completely solve what their loved one is struggling with! Providing support is as simple as giving immediate support and care, and then connecting your loved ones to the resources they need. Don't be afraid to check up on your loved ones, and follow up with them.

Increase Awareness

Increasing awareness can look different for everybody! It could include sharing your mental health journey with others in a public or private setting. It could include posting on social media about mental health subjects and spreading awareness of topics. It could be as simple as ensuring you and your loved ones understand the signs of mental illness, and knowing where to turn for guidance. First increase your own awareness and understanding, and share from there!

Know the Resources

Connecting yourself and your loved ones to the resources they need is a very important part of making a change for someone living with mental illness. Individual, couples, family, and group therapy are all options you can seek. If you or a loved one are experiencing a mental health crisis, call 988 for the 24/7 Crisis & Support Hotline. Click here for the resources available in Utah. As always, the licensed therapists at Aspen Counseling Services are here to help and support you. Contact us to schedule a session today!


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